September 2015

Tuesday, 1st Sept
Back to school
Reluctant but got distracted by teacher



Reluctant to get into class but teacher drew his attention to book

Friday, 4th September


5th September 2015

Click on an image to view the gallery.

Sunday 13th Sept
To car yard
Gio was singing:

“Briing back, Briing back,
Bring back to me, to me”
This is the first time for me to hear Gio singing by himself a song I can recognise.

Saturday, 19th September 2015
“More water,” he said
I said to his mum “I think you’ve made Gio think water is called ‘more water.'”
“Yes,” she replied,” and he thinks when someone says ‘No’ you say ‘Ok'”

She demonstrated:
“Do you want [something or other]” she asked Gio.
“No,” said he.
“No?” she said
“Ok,” he replied

21st September

Today I heard Telo calling the teacher “Teacher”

25th September

School crafts

School crafts

Saturday, 26th September
Gio was singing something in the car. I soon made it out to be
‘Everybody tidy up. Tidy up.’

Garden City


August 2015

My wife’s colleague and our friend came with her daughter to stay with us for a while.

03rd August


10th August


12th August
Gio wanted to stay with/on the swing in the supermarket


19th August


23rd August



28th August


29th August
Wyse’s 2nd birthday party.

Click any of the pictures to view the gallery in large size.

15th August 2016 – Bus Ride

I told Gio “Let’s go take a bus”

“Then we will sing ‘The wheels of the bus go round and round’?” he asked.

He seemed excited at the thought of taking a bus. He has only taken a bus maybe four times in his life.

As we walked to the bus stop, he asked question like “Where is the bus? Is the bus waiting?”

Image source: This interesting post

Image source: This interesting post

Inside the bus (a van actually), the wind was blowing onto our faces.

“The wind is blowing”said Gio.

The tout closed the window that was letting in the wind.

“He has covered it,” observed Gio.

The bus went over a bump, then another.

“The people in the bus go up and down”said Gio.

When we got out, I asked him “Did you like the bus?”

“Yes. I like the bus. The bus is so much fun.”

July 2015

01st July 2015
We went and bought a bike for Gio from an expat who was leaving the country.

20150701_211052b02nd July
My wife came home with a helmet to go with the bike.

The nanny changed Gio into his sleeping clothes and took him to sleep.
Afte a while, Gio started really crying. I wondered if the nanny had done something to him.
He went on for a while, so I went into their room and found him standing on his bed and crying. Maybe he was kneeling.
I consoled him and told him to sleep.
He settled down. I stayed a few minutes and left. No more crying.

9th July

Gio likes numbers written for him and things drawn for him.

Some of the art done for Gio now that he likes numbers and shapes:


11th July

Celebrating Mama’s birthday. (There were more guests than shown in the picture).


12th July


14th July
Gio’s pronunciation of numbers has changed:
‘Tor’ has become ‘four.’
‘Tat’ has become ‘five.’
‘Nenen’ has become ‘seven’ (or something close(r)).

18th July
Gio knows colours: Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, pink


20th July
The boy is bilingual.
Nanny: Usiweke hiyo kwa mdomo. Ni chafu.
(Don’t put that in yopur mouth. It’s dirty)

Gio: Dirty

28th July



Hello readers!

I hope you are well.

This blog is a little over a year behind. It will take some time for me to catch up with current events. 

In order to keep you updated and still slowly clear the backlog, I have decided to post current updates, and at the same time post the updates from past months. That way, not everything you read will be old, and I can post at any time without waiting for to first clear the backlog.


Your feedback is always welcome.

June 2015

07th June 2015
Gio now says ‘Number’ before the number.
He knows Circle and rectangle

Birthday Party

Birthday Party

13th June


We went for a party and Gio was more interested in maandazi than he was in cake.



15th June
Gio shakes his head and says ‘MMh’ when he does not want something.
We noticed that a Hippa Hippa Hey on Baby TV has that exact same head shaking and sound.

16th June
When Gio counts, ‘Toor’ means ‘Four’ and ‘Tat’ means ‘Five.’


18th June
There is a particular way in which Gio says ‘Y’

May 2015 – Broken Bone

Monday, 1st May 2015
Stedmark (Stedmak?) Gardens
Gio was not overly keen on the slide, until his sister took him up the steps, through a tunnel and down the slide. Then he loved it!

He went back over and over again, sliding in a manner that his mother probably would not have approved of, but he was here with Daddy.

Tuesday, 5th May
Gio ran towards the teacher today when my wife dropped him at school.
My wife called me and said she had found the class being taught numbers.
So that is where Gio has been learning all this.

Gio was crying.
My wife said it was because he had wanted to go to our neighbour C’s house.
That is what the nanny had said.
He went on crying on and off as he was fed his supper.
My wife said she thinks he is imitating C.
Then my wife noticed that he was crying (more) when she touched his left arm.
She asked the nanny if Gio had fallen while they were outside.
She said No.
Had he been out of her sight?
Gio was now holding his left arm with his right hand.
My wife said we take him to hospital for an x-ray.
Indeed he had a fracture. Needs a cast.
The nanny eventually admitted that Gio had gone out of her sight for a while.


06th May


Undated: The headmistress, upon seeing Gio in a cast and his mother limping, said I should be cautious…

Gio didn’t seem too bothered by the cast. He was generally as active as usual. The main problem for us was his options for clothes reduced due to the bulk of the cast. In fact, we cut one of the sleeves of one of his clothes.

The other problem was keeping the cast dry.

12th May
We took Gio for cast replacement at the same hospital where his mother had had surgery.




Wed, 13th May
Gio counted 1 to 10.
Apparently the number that he pronounces something like ‘Nnat,’ and that we could not figure out, is five.

Bed-time, we started looking for his teddy bear.
We could not find it.
Maybe he threw it out of the car.
My wife said she had opened the window at some point and when they were leaving a hardware shop, he was complaining.
We went out at about 9:20 pm to look for it
Went to the hardware shop and asked the watchman. He looked but did not see the teddy bear.
He phoned his colleague, but nothing.

14th May
Scribbling on the floor


Monday, 18th May
Gio picked his letters of the alphabet
He would come to where we were siting and hold the letter to his chest and say what letter it was.
T, M, I, B, Q, 1
We were to repeat the name of the letter (or digit), then applaud, and not just applaud without first saying the name.

Saturday, 23rd May
Bought Gio new shoes. He refused to put on the old ones.

Sunday, 24th May
I went with Gio to the nearby market
“Water,” he said, referring to a puddle
“Ananana,” he said
I put the banana back where it had been
“Ananana,” he said, giving it to the lady who was selling.
“No, leave that,” I said
He took it again
He can go with that one, she said.

Monday, 25th May
When I was taking Gio to bed, he turned towards the door of our bedroom, which is opposite his room.
We let him sleep in his bed in our room

Tuesday, 26th May
Gio woke up early and whined until I got up and went with him to the living room.
It was 6:00 a.m.

Wednesday, 27th May
I was picking Gio from school. As we approached the car, he pointed at the circular fuel tank cover and said “Circle.”
I told my wife later.
She said he had said that yesterday as well. “Did you know what he was saying?”
I replied that I thought he said circle but I wasn’t sure.

30th May
Machakos People’s Park


1st to 20th April 2015

3rd April 2015

We went to the Giraffe Centre.

Click on a picture to view the gallery.
Exit the gallery by clicking the ‘x’ that will be at the top LEFT.

5th April 2015


Monday, 13th April

Daddy lets Gio play with water. Daddy rocks!

Daddy lets Gio play with water. Daddy rocks!

Monday, 20th April
My wife went to school to find out what is needed at school on reporting.

March 2015 – Hunger, Speech and Violence

Sunday, 1st March 2015



Wednesday, 4th March 2015

Saturday, 7th March 2015




Wednesday, 11th March

Chilling with Mama

Chilling with Mama

18th March


Sunday 22nd March – Hunger and Speech

We were going for a birthday bash at The Jolly Roger. There is a sand-pit there, so we picked Gio’s bucket and tools. When we got out of the house, Gio ran behind the house, which is where he normally goes to play with soil.
We called him back.
He picked the bucket and ran behind the house again.
He cried when brought back.
He cried and cried as we drove to The Jolly Roger.

Finally, he paused in his crying and said ‘Eat.’

My wife was quite amused, that Gio was so hungry that he spoke. I felt sorry for him.




Sandpit Violence
At the sanpit at the Jolly Roger, a boy came and joined in the playing. He tried about twice to get the shovel that Gio had. I found the boy rather irritating. Gio refused to give it to him.
One time he took an old one that was there and tried to exchange it with the new one that Gio had. Gio did not want that deal.
Gio knocked the boy on the head with the plastic shovel, I think. The boy started crying. I verbally reprimanded Gio but was quite pleased amused.
We fled the scene of crime.

IMG_9218As we were leaving the Jolly Roger, Gio saw some boys also leaving. He joyfully ran after them, solidifying my view that he should join school and play with other children.

IMG_922829th March 2015

Looking at ants/termites

Looking at ants/termites

That boy was peeing and Gio was curious

That boy was peeing and Gio was curious

1st to 28th February 2015

01st February 2015
Gio loves the boots in this picture.

A number of times I would be seated in the house and he’d bring me the boots for me to get him into them.
Problem is, it’s quite a difficult process getting his feet properly into the boots.

06th February 2015




07th February 2015
Gio eviscerated his lovey.


11th February 2015
Gio loves playing with my coins. His mother doesn’t like him doing that.


18th February 2015
