July 2015

01st July 2015
We went and bought a bike for Gio from an expat who was leaving the country.

20150701_211052b02nd July
My wife came home with a helmet to go with the bike.

The nanny changed Gio into his sleeping clothes and took him to sleep.
Afte a while, Gio started really crying. I wondered if the nanny had done something to him.
He went on for a while, so I went into their room and found him standing on his bed and crying. Maybe he was kneeling.
I consoled him and told him to sleep.
He settled down. I stayed a few minutes and left. No more crying.

9th July

Gio likes numbers written for him and things drawn for him.

Some of the art done for Gio now that he likes numbers and shapes:


11th July

Celebrating Mama’s birthday. (There were more guests than shown in the picture).


12th July


14th July
Gio’s pronunciation of numbers has changed:
‘Tor’ has become ‘four.’
‘Tat’ has become ‘five.’
‘Nenen’ has become ‘seven’ (or something close(r)).

18th July
Gio knows colours: Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, pink


20th July
The boy is bilingual.
Nanny: Usiweke hiyo kwa mdomo. Ni chafu.
(Don’t put that in yopur mouth. It’s dirty)

Gio: Dirty

28th July


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