21st to 23rd April 2013 – Wiggle It!

21st April

Gio can lift his head from the floor when he is placed on his tummy.
My wife likes placing him on his tummy to prepare him to crawl.


I give up

I give up

22nd April

Went to the Government office in good time to process Gio’s Birth Certificate .
Filled a form and submitted it after queuing for a short while.
Was told to come back on May 13th.
They did not ask for copies of the identification documents that I had taken effort to prepare.


23rd April 2013 – Wiggle It!

Gio is three months old today, by calendar months, as opposed to weeks. He will be 13 weeks old tomorrow.
We were watching a TV programme about babies and pregnancy. An expert on the programme said he does not really like getting babies to burp by patting their backs because that breaks the gas into smaller bubbles. He suggested holding the baby over one’s shoulder (as shown below) and wiggling his bottom (it’s actually more of twisting it back and forth) .
Of course I tried it and Gio burped!


Growing longer

Growing longer

Gio likes stuffing his hands/fingers into his mouth, with lots of dedication

Gio likes stuffing his hands/fingers into his mouth, with lots of dedication


18th to 20th April 2013

18th April 2013

I went to get Gio’s Birth Certificate
Reached the relevant office at about 12:36 p.m.
A poster on the door said working hours were 8:00(?) to 12:30 and then 2:00 to 4:00
I went away.

Sage. Bringing hands together is said to be a development milestone

Sage. Bringing hands together is said to be a development milestone

19th April 2013

My wife breastfed Gio in the house.
He got full and stopped feeding.
We left and got into the car.
Gio did not fall asleep, so my wife was interacting with him as she usually does.
“Do you love me baby,
Or you love my boobies” she sang.
(Original song is here)

Gio started crying, presumably not because of the song, but because he was hungry.

“I can’t breastfeed you now,” my wife said.
“You had your chance and you blew it.”

An aunty of ours visited.
My wife showed him photos of Gio in his first month.
I noticed that his face has actually changed since then.
I should put some of the pictures side by side for comparison.
I should also compare his length/height as recorded in the pictures where there was a tape measure.

Support your own head, boy! Daddy's busy.

Support your own head, boy! Daddy’s busy.


20th April 2013

The rash that was on Gio’s butt is gone. My wife had considered applying Zinc Castor cream (? forgot to confirm the name) but I opposed the idea.

We went for a family function. Gio seems to dislike being in large/noisy groups of people.


15th to 17th April 2013

Monday 15th April 2013

Gio was dressed in the rompers that we bought on Thursday last week. (11th April)
“You were right. This romper won’t be worn for long.” said my wife.
“I told you!”

Gio seems to lift his left arm more (often) than his right.

Gio can now support his head fairly well when he is held upright. I like the way his head bobs unsteadily, though.


16th April 2013

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Within the gallery, click on the x at the top LEFT to exit.

17th April

The tiny spots (pimples? what’s the word?) that recently appeared on Gio’s cheeks have now spread to his chin. They are not many or prominent but they are there.

While changing him, I noticed a rash around his butt. He had a similar rash a while back.
My wife thinks it is a reaction to being oiled (with aqueous cream) more frequently than before (due to more frequent bathing).



12th to 14th April

12th April


Daddy Care: Taking photos instead of calming crying baby

Daddy Care: Taking photos instead of calming crying baby

13th April

Went visiting.
Gio was bathed at our hosts’ place.
He started sleeping from 9.00 p.m. as we drove back home, until the next day 5:30 a.m.
He fed at night while still sleeping.

IMG_840114th April

Went to Church. There was baby dedication. Baby dedication is basically committing children to God’s care, protection and guidance.
The parents also commit to train the children in a godly manner and to set a good example for them.

Later two friends of ours were keen on carrying Gio.
They tried to make him smile.
After a lot of baby talk from them, Gio smiled a little.

As we were walking to the car, another friend called out to my wife. She approached making sounds at Gio.
She has a rather high-pitched voice and she had raised the pitch for Gio.
Gio smiled at her as soon as she reached us.
So the matter is settled – Gio prefers high-pitched voices.

My wife thinks the bath made Gio sleep more than he usually does, and so wants to increase the frequency of his bathing.

What? More bathing?

What? More bathing?

09th to 11th April 2013 – 11 Weeks

09th April 2013

IMG_8271bWednesday, 10th April 2013

Gio is 11 weeks old today.
We went to the clinic for immunisation. His weight according to the scale there is 7.7kg
Also saw doctor about the things on the side of his face and on his back.
Doc said those are pinworms, and prescribed some medicine.
He also said we should be airing his towel after bathing him

1004201311th April 2013

Went shopping for a jacket or sweater for Gio.
Saw some nice rompers.
I told my wife Gio would not wear them for long because he would very soon outgrow them.
“These are like the ones which are now so snug on him.”
“But they are 3 to 6 months and those snug ones are 0 to 3 months.”
“Yes, but this is the baby in question.” I said, indicating Gio who I was carrying.
We bought the disputed rompers and some jackets.


I like the movie-like effect on this pic

I like the movie-like effect in this pic

04th to 06th April

04th April


Apparently Gio formula ration is restricted to 60ml a day. Mother’s milk is best.

Gio pooped maybe 4 times. He seems to be having a running stomach.

Called paeditrician about apparent ringworm. She said we can use Candid Cream.
Is it safe for baby?

05th April


Chilling with Mama


You are the funniest daddy ever 🙂

06th April


Chatting with Papa

Gio is 8 kilos! I coined the name Octokilo for him.

01st to 03rd April – Unfair Advantage and Other Stories

1st April – Unfair Advantage
Having read that babies generally prefer higher-pitched voices, I was making sounds to Gio in a high-pitched voice.
A conversation similar to the following followed:
Me to Gio: “You like high-pitched sounds?”
Wife: “So mothers have been given higher voices”
Me: “Yes, they have been given an advantage. In addition to being given…”
Wife: “Boobs!” (Maybe she said “breasts”)
Me: “Yes. That is assuming they have high-pitched voices. Or higher pitched voices”

This voice thing was demonstrated on Sunday 14th April (Yes, marketing tactic).

Gio can follow objects or persons with his eyes.
You can actually see him looking at someone or something and following as the person or object moves.

2nd April
Is that a skin problem on Gio’s face like what is on his sister’s face?

My wife was going to see the dentist. Gio and I went with her. My wife went in to the treatment room. Moments later, a member of staff came out and told me that my wife would be there for an hour.

“Ok.” I said, not really having much choice.
I sat there holding Gio.
A lady sitting opposite us said “She is cute!”

“Thanks.” I responded, not bothering to say that ‘she’ is actually a boy.


What do you mean ‘she’?

Gio slept a bit, I think. After a while he started the build-up towards crying. I took the baby bag and went downstairs to the car. The said car is a Vitz. With the baby car seat on the back seat, there wasn’t much room to change Gio there.
The front seat had more space, but had two problems:
1) The seat was slanted towards the back so Gio would not be level
2) Putting him with his head towards the from would mean his face was in the sun, shining through the windscreen.
Thoughts: Get a bigger car. Like a Toyota Land Cruiser Amazon? Then changing space would be plenty.
I placed a shawl towards the back of the front seat to keep Gio’s head reasonably level, and placed him on the seat.
Gio likes being changed (or maybe it is being undressed) so he was generally happy.
After being changed, (fortunately, he had only peed) he started crying again. Now, Gio generally only cries for food, but that crying can be intense! as if someone is torturing him. It was the intense crying that he let out.
Ok, time to mix some formula. I looked for and found the sanitiser that is normally in his bag. There was a new tin of formula. I opened it.
Not surprisingly, the scoop was not visible.
I shook the tin to move the formula within the tin and reveal the scoop. Nothing.
Is the other tin here, so that I can use the scoop from that one?
I dug out the scoop with my (recently sanitised fingers).
Let’s hope the boy does not get unwell.
Meanwhile, the intense crying was going on and I was occasionally concerned that people around may wonder what was going on.
I mixed the formula and as usual, the crying stopped the instant I put the bottle to his mouth.
IMG_7956After the feeding, I carried Gio as I do most times – with him facing behind me over my left shoulder. I walked with him from the parking lot, into the building and up to the third floor (fourth, for you American readers).
He was asleep by the time we reached the dentist’s office.
My wife and the dentist came out a few minutes later.
“He is such a calm boy!” said the dentist.

I noticed the beating/pulsing on Gio’s head for the first time.

03rd April


English: Toyota Vitz

English: Toyota Vitz (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Toyota Land Cruiser photographed in Annapolis,...

Toyota Land Cruiser photographed in Annapolis, Maryland, USA. Category:Toyota Land Cruiser 100 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

21st to 31st March

21st March


22nd March


23rd March
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From within the Gallery, click the x at the top left to exit the Gallery

24th March

Friend of ours was surprised to hear Gio making non-crying sounds (cooing etc). Her daughter started those sounds at maybe 3 or 4 months(?)


25th March


26th March


27th March


28th March


29th March

Good Friday.
Wife went with Gio to a baby shower. There was lots of noise there. Gio seemed scared, and only seemed to settle when my wife took him to a different room to breastfeed him there.


30th March

Found a millepede inside Gio’s mosquito net

Who goes there?!

Who goes there?!


Gio being admired by one of his greatest fans

Gio being admired by one of his greatest fans

31st March

I sometimes carry Gio like this so we can look at each other

I sometimes carry Gio like this so we can look at each other